We had a wonderful time completing our PrudentialMYRide 19 mile challenge for Topsy and exceeding all expectations - 22 miles in all!...
Biking Belles and Beau challenge
We began with the easy bit - a 3 mile stroll along the promenade on 4 wheels - anything as long as it's on wheels!
Well done Jeff, another cycling success
Due to the pandemic The Prudential RideLondon 2020 offered fundraisers a choice of options and the opportunity to choose their own local...
Jeff's PrudentialMyRide 2020
Topsy UK has embraced this year’s Prudential Cycling challenge https://myridelondon.co.uk/. First out of the blocks is Topsy Trustee,...
Introducing Fiona Ghosh, our new Topsy Trustee
Fiona has been a longstanding supporter of Topsy SA – from the early years providing relief for the orphans left behind when AIDs ravaged...
50 years ago, a young student leader at the University of the Witwatersrand, was expelled by the then government because of his role in...
JJ's Topsy Fundraiser
Amidst the horror of Covid 19, there have been many acts of kindness and generosity. Topsy is fortunate to be the beneficiary of one such...
Topsy SA´s evolving response to the Covid pandemic effects on programmes: prior to lock-down, releasing the bulk of the annual seed...
LYDIA'S Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46 for Topsy
Lydia Slater, with her medal, looking fresh as a daisy after completing the 46 mile London to Surrey Bike Ride. Well Done Lydia and a...
Introducing Natasha Walsh our newest and youngest Trustee!
We are delighted to welcome Natasha on board and we look forward to her fresh and youthful approach as a Trustee. Natasha has always been...